For some reason, in what is surely just an oversight, I never uploaded the first interview with Grace onto Substack, but of course you can catch it on any podcast platform—on the Heavy Crown Press channel at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, or Samsung Podcasts. And it’s free, and there are no ads. It’s just me talking to creative and interesting people. Heavy Crown Press has a YouTube channel as well. Please go follow it if you prefer to watch the interviews. I think whatever you like to listen to, you’ll enjoy Grace’s enthusiasm for trying new things. She’s not just a great—did I mention award-winning—author, but she’s also put all of her books on Audible, where you can listen to them for free. All except one (Searching for Sadie) are available as audiobooks to listen to for 0 credits on Audible. If you don’t know what that means, it means they are free. Of course, Amazon purchases, as we discuss in this second interview, are the best way to support Grace as an author. Other retailers like Walmart, that sell her books don’t pay out to authors nearly as well as Amazon does. And, I was surprised to learn, TikTok Shop is even better in that regard. In the first interview, we talked a lot about Kindle Vella and the Young Adult and Middle Grade fiction that she writes. The second interview is more about her latest obsession—horror/humor stories! Wherever you listen to podcasts, look up Heavy Crown Press or check us out on YouTube, or just listen/watch right here on substack: video and audio options are embedded above and below. I have also embedded (much below) a review I wrote for Grace’s Kindle Vella story, Audrey and Maude.
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